Bridging the Past, Building the future

Need Help with Cultural Resources?
We are experts at navigating the complex domain of cultural resources preservation and regulatory compliance. Acacia Heritage Consulting offers know-how to meet requirements under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), as well as various state, municipal and agency-specific statutes and guidelines. Acacia’s core mission is to provide thorough, well-researched cultural resource studies that not only meet regulatory standards, but exceed them. We guide our clients step by step through the cultural resources compliance process in order to limit risk and avoid project delays for their undertakings.
Acacia also offers consulting services and expertise to government entities to promote economic development through cultural awareness and heritage preservation. This includes helping to develop sites, strategies and programs for heritage tourism. We believe that there are tangible, quantifiable and long-term economic benefits to historic preservation in our communities. Acacia strives to be a part of the global solution for sustainable development.
Acacia is certified as a WOSB, DBE, WBE and HUB

Time-tested strategies for archaeological surveys, testing and data recovery

Expertise and know-how for background studies, cultural resources context studies, management plans, cultural landscape reports

Sensitivity and respect for delineations, research and burial exhumation

Proactive and interdisciplinary approaches for timely approvals for CEs, EAs and EISs.

Innovative tools for placemaking, public interpretation, and outreach